
"Since the introduction of liberalization policies in 1991 there has been considerable growth of export earnings through the garment industry. This implies that the garment manufacturing witnessed considerable growth during the last one and a half decades or so. Did Labor, employed in the industry, equally benefit from the growth proceeds? The work environment in the garment manufacturing units is unhealthy and unsafe for the workers, resulting in several health problems. The standards for working hours and wages are seldom met. There are much more compliance issues that the Indian Ready-made garment industry is yet to deal with."

A sneak-peek into Indian Apparel Industry:

In India, the ready-made garment industry had its beginning during the first half of the 20th century and has witnessed impressive growth during the last four decades. It is reported to be the second highest contributor to India's export basket, after 'gems and jewelry.' There are around 70,000garment manufacturing units in the country providing employment to more than 3million persons. Most of the growth in this industry occurred since the decade of the 1980s. The value of garment exports, which was only $2 million in1960-1961, sharply increased from $696 million in 1980-1981 to $2,236 million in 1990-1991, and to $4,765 million in 1999-2000.

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