The Noise Pollution is the main headache in loom shed and discharges of water with chemicals in sizing are the major areas in the Weaving Preparatory sector. In the looms, shuttle picking motions which are considered to be the heart of the loom and most noise producing motion has been replaced by various lighter medias like projectile, rapier, water & air - jets. Also shuttle was considered to be the heaviest carrier of the weft consuming highest energy and maximum travel time is now replaced by lighter and fastest medias, as mentioned in the body of this paper. Further open oil holes are converted to Centralized Lubricating Systems, Oil baths, Self- lubricated Bearings, thus not only reducing the consumption and contamination of lubricants but also help in reducing the heat generated due to friction created by high speed spares.

The crank beat up motion, being additional noise producing area is now converted to cam motions. The machine drive area is introduced with more compact &effective trapezoid belts replacing the conventional flat, v-belts, resulting in reduction in speed losses through slippages. Servo motors are introduced to eliminate the mechanical linkages, thus saving lubricants & electrical power & further executing the action very fast.

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About the Author:

N.D. Mhatre is the Dy. Director General (Technical) at the Indian Textile Accessories & Machinery Manufacturers Association, Mumbai.

This article was originally published in the Textile Review magazine, May, 2013 issue, published by Saket Projects Limited, Ahmedabad.