Industry 5.0 represents a transformative era in garment manufacturing, heralding a new wave of innovation, efficiency, and sustainability through smarter production processes. This latest industrial revolution, building upon the foundation laid by Industry 4.0, is redefining garment design, production, and delivery to consumers. In this age of hyper-connectivity and automation, apparel manufacturers and other sectors are seamlessly integrating advanced technologies, such as the Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI), and robotics into their production processes.

However, Industry 5.0 transcends mere automation; it underscores the importance of human touch and craftsmanship, fostering a synergy between humans and machines. The dynamic fusion of cutting-edge technology and human expertise in this era not only boosts production speed and precision, but also promotes a new level of customisation and sustainability in the garment industry.

Industry 5.0: Human-Tech Collaboration in Manufacturing

In sectors like garment manufacturing, Industry 4.0 signifies the integration of technologies like cloud computing, Machine Learning (ML), IoT and AI. Catering to customer demands necessitates the incorporation of these technologies for heightened productivity and efficiency. Industry 4.0 has pioneered the development of smart factories at the forefront of apparel manufacturing. Advanced sensors and embedded software play a crucial role in data generation, gathering, and analysis, enhancing agility and decision-making. Beyond manufacturing, Industry 4.0 has significantly contributed to smart supply chain management, encompassing procurement, manufacturing, warehousing, distribution, and logistics. This technological advancement offers exceptional business visibility, privacy, and data control.

While Industry 4.0 focuses on enhancing machinery, equipment, processes, and systems for improved efficiency, productivity, and agility, often at the expense of the human workforce, Industry 5.0 introduces a new perspective. It emphasises the crucial role of human beings in the digital transformation process and the interaction between humans and AI. Industry 5.0, the fifth industrial revolution, is defined by the collaboration between humans and machines in manufacturing. In apparel manufacturing, Industry 5.0 marks a significant shift towards a collaborative approach where machines assist and amplify human capabilities. This revolution not only foresees fully automated factories but envisions a symbiosis where humans and machines work in tandem. Industry 5.0 aims to create a more flexible and responsive manufacturing process, enabling customisation and swift adaptation to market demands. It strives to establish an environment of collaboration between robots and humans, facilitating concepts like mass customisation, enhanced customer engagement, and empowered consumers.

Aspects of Industry 5.0

1. Human-centricity

The primary aspect of the shift towards Industry 5.0 is its human-centric approach. This focuses on talent development that embraces diversity and empowerment. It aims to balance efficiency with human-centric values, aspiring to create safer, more fulfilling work environments and innovative, sustainable products in the fashion industry. This approach is about valuing human input and creativity alongside technological advancements.


Resilience in the context of Industry 5.0 refers to enabling organisations to anticipate, respond to, and adapt to disruptions. It encompasses building adaptable supply chains, prioritising worker well-being, leveraging smart technologies, promoting eco-friendly practices, and responding swiftly to market changes. This resilient approach helps the industry withstand and recover from disruptions, ensuring long-term sustainability and competitiveness.

3. Sustainability

Industry 5.0’s approach to sustainability goes beyond merely reducing harmful impacts. It involves fostering long-term sustainability and competitiveness through eco-friendly production processes, adherence to circular economy principles, resource efficiency, supply chain transparency, and localised manufacturing. In the garment sector, this translates into reduced environmental impact, production of longer-lasting products, responsible sourcing, and a shift towards on-demand, local production. This paradigm shifts in Industry 5.0 underscores a commitment to sustainable practices at every stage of the manufacturing process.

Revolution Towards Industry 5.0

The industrial landscape has experienced several transformative eras, starting with the advent of Industry 1.0 in 1765, which was marked by mechanisation, using water and steam power to revolutionise manufacturing. Industry 2.0, emerging around 1870, introduced mass production techniques, harnessed electric power, and implemented assembly lines, significantly boosting efficiency and output.

Industry 3.0, which began in 1969, integrated computers and automated production systems, laying the groundwork for digitalisation. Then, with the onset of Industry 4.0 in 2010, we saw the rise of cyber-physical systems, IoT, and the concept of smart factories. In these factories, interconnected machines and data-driven processes optimised production.

The most recent shift, Industry 5.0, starting from 2020, has brought a new priority: human-robot collaboration and mass customisation. It aims to strike a balance between automation and human ingenuity, creating more flexible and tailored manufacturing solutions. Each of these successive industrial revolutions has uniquely shaped the world of production and technology, introducing a distinct set of innovations and challenges.

Industry 5.0 represents a blend of automated technologies with a human touch, harnessing creativity to achieve enhanced performance, productivity, efficiency, and effective results. This section highlights key applications of Industry 5.0 technology.

• AI and ML

In the apparel industry, addressing challenges posed by uncontrollable variables such as diverse materials and processes is daunting. However, artificial intelligence and machine learning have made these challenges more manageable. AI technologies establish effective relationships among these variables to improve product characteristics. Manufacturing industries use AI to analyse production data, thereby enhancing decision-making, predictions, and trend insights. ML applications, on the other hand, improve speed, accuracy, automation, and quality in production. They are critical in meeting deadlines and satisfying customer needs.

In the apparel industry, AI and its components can automate every department, from raw material storage to cutting, sewing, packing, and finishing. This automation leads to reduced material handling, improved supply chains, lower downtime, cost savings, better inventory management, and fewer errors. ML can forecast fashion trends and offer predictive analysis for future sales, aiding in planning, building supply chains, and setting inventory standards. AI and ML play pivotal roles in various stages of garment manufacturing, from pre-production to production and post-production, paving the way for intelligent manufacturing. These technologies optimise fabric engineering and monitor garment manufacturing processes, ensuring greater efficiency in production planning, scheduling, inventory optimisation, and more.

Applications: AI and ML find diverse applications in textile and apparel manufacturing. They are used for analysing patterns, predicting sewn seam performance, and managing sewing operations. These technologies assist in tasks like sewing line balancing, colour matching, defect detection, and aiding in production planning and control. They also facilitate intelligent maintenance through advanced analytics, predict clothing properties after specific processes, and conduct trend forecasting using ML techniques such as deep learning. Additionally, AI is instrumental in anomaly detection during quality inspections, gathering historical data to enhance operational efficiency, and enabling semi-finished product inspections at various stages before the final inspection.

• Blockchain

Blockchain technology is pivotal in ensuring data integrity and transparency, addressing critical concerns in Industry 5.0. Famously known for its role in cryptocurrency systems, blockchain’s application extends significantly to the garment production system. In this context, blockchain plays a crucial role by enhancing operational efficiency and boosting supply chain visibility and transparency. It allows for the monitoring of various assets from a manufacturing standpoint. In supply chain management, blockchain technology enhances transparency in numerous areas, starting from sourcing and procurement of materials to various operations. This system simplifies tracking both the supply chain and blockchain itself. It facilitates better communication among suppliers, vendors, and manufacturers, thus improving the production system.

Blockchain improves record-keeping of transaction histories, mitigates manual labour, reduces delays, and prevents bottlenecks within the supply chain. In Industry 5.0, blockchain revolutionises manufacturing units by serving as a foundational technology that optimises data management. These blockchain-powered units act as hubs for gathering valuable information, unlocking the potential of advanced technologies such as IoT, Augmented Reality (AR), and 3D printing. The synergy between blockchain and IoT enables seamless connectivity and real-time data sharing between devices, optimising manufacturing process efficiency. AR, when integrated with blockchain, provides a trustworthy digital overlay on the manufacturing environment. Furthermore, 3D printing combined with blockchain facilitates a transparent and traceable supply chain, ensuring product and raw material authenticity.

Applications: In Industry 5.0, blockchain technology has diverse applications, revolutionising manufacturing processes. It ensures transparency in garment production by tracing the entire supply chain, tracks material provenance for authenticity, secures collaborative engineering designs for complex products, enables precise asset tracking throughout the manufacturing cycle, establishes a secure network for IoT-enabled machinery, ensures regulatory compliance with transparent records, and simplifies and secures quality checks with immutable data. The integration of blockchain across these areas enhances efficiency, accountability, and trust, laying the groundwork for a technologically advanced and transparent manufacturing landscape.

• Cobots

Cobots, short for collaborative robots, are robotic arms designed to perform simple, complex, or repetitive tasks under human guidance. Unlike traditional robots, which often operate in isolation and can be hazardous in environments shared with humans, cobots represent a significant evolution in robotics technology. They are equipped with advanced technologies like sensors, cameras, wires, safety devices, and other equipment, making them safe and user-friendly for collaborative work.

The introduction of cobots in apparel manufacturing has transformed the perception of manufacturing environments. Safe for use alongside human workers, cobots bring numerous benefits to the manufacturing process. Their implementation in apparel manufacturing automates various areas, enabling employees to collaborate safely and effectively. This automation enhances productivity by optimising efficiency and improving the quality, flexibility, and agility of the produced goods.

Applications: Numerous manufacturing sectors, including the apparel industry, have embraced collaborative robotics, such as cobots, in their production processes. These robots are used for a variety of critical tasks, such as picking and storing, lifting, sorting, cutting, placing materials, feeding fabric into sewing machines, aiding in sewing processes, packaging, and quality control. The integration of cobots into these tasks has been instrumental in enhancing the efficiency and quality of manufacturing operations.

• Digital Twins

Digital twins represent an advanced technological innovation, creating virtual replicas that closely mirror real-world objects or systems. These digital replicas, akin to virtual try-on software that models physical goods, aid in a deeper understanding and more effective testing of products. In the current digital landscape, a digital twin acts as a comprehensive data-gathering tool, enabling precise predictions through simulations. This technology is becoming increasingly prevalent across various sectors, including garment industries, healthcare, automotive, energy production, aviation, and retail. According to a Statista report, the value of digital twin technology in the manufacturing industry is expected to surpass $6 billion by 2025.

This technology utilises tools like VR, AR, IoT, software, and sensors, mainly to collect environmental data. Essentially, a digital twin in manufacturing and other industries represents a product or system at a specific time and place, enhancing and visualising its components. For example, it can identify a single machine on a sewing line within a production floor. As part of Industry 5.0, digital twin technology allows for product analysis under various conditions and scenarios, enabling the assessment of real-time data in a virtual environment. In apparel manufacturing, digital twins analyse production stage data, offering clear visibility into the manufacturing process—a critical aspect in this industry. By integrating digital twin technology with IoT devices, manufacturing systems can be greatly enhanced through real-time data monitoring, predictive maintenance, and effective decision-making, thereby optimising production practices.

Applications: Digital twins, as a technological innovation, revolutionise various aspects of manufacturing. These digital replicas significantly improve prototype testing, enabling manufacturers to conduct thorough evaluations before actual production. They optimise entire production systems, mapping machine layouts, assembly flows, and employee interactions within factory spaces. Monitoring equipment through digital twins enhances preventive maintenance, reducing costs and calculating maintenance-related performance indicators.

In Industry 5.0, digital twins provide a comprehensive view of supply chain and logistics processes, streamlining operations and boosting efficiency. Their use in creating virtual models facilitates immersive and interactive training applications and ensures adherence to consumer requirements through 3D design and redesign processes, substantially improving product development before reaching the physical stage.

• Quantum Computing

Quantum computing, a groundbreaking technology in Industry 5.0, is poised to transform manufacturing operations. Although still in its nascent stages, it offers the promise of real-time simulations, enabling clothing manufacturers to instantly analyse complex networks of products and processes. Quantum computing’s ability to perform calculations at an unprecedented speed addresses various challenges in apparel production, supply chain management, and logistics. It empowers manufacturers to smartly adapt to changing conditions and environments.

Additionally, quantum computing aids in the experimentation of new material development and enhances anomaly detection through its integration with AI and ML. Overall, quantum computing has the potential to drive significant breakthroughs, revolutionising manufacturing by facilitating the development of innovative products and processes.

Applications: Regarding the applications of quantum computing in the garment industry, its potential is immense, particularly with the integration of Industry 5.0. It enables real-time simulations, allowing garment manufacturers to swiftly analyse and optimise complex product networks and various processes. Quantum computing accelerates the ability to address challenges in apparel production, supply chain management, and logistics. Its capacity for handling calculations exponentially faster enables quick adaptation to new conditions and environments, keeping manufacturing processes agile and responsive. Moreover, quantum computing supports innovation in fabric and design through new material development experiments. When combined with AI and ML, it further enhances anomaly detection, ensuring higher quality control and minimising errors. Quantum computing, therefore, stands to revolutionise the garment industry by offering powerful tools for rapid analysis, innovation, and intelligent adaptation in the ever-evolving landscape of manufacturing.

• Smart Textiles

In the realm of Industry 5.0, smart textiles and clothing play a pivotal role in advancing garment manufacturing industries. These innovative fabrics and materials, embedded with sensors and electronic components, enable a seamless integration of technology within clothing. Smart textiles have revolutionised various aspects of garment production in the context of Industry 5.0. They contribute significantly to the trend of customisation and personalisation by allowing interactive features tailored to individual preferences.

Applications: As discussed earlier, the implementation of digital twin technology is greatly facilitated by smart textiles. Manufacturers can create digital replicas of garments, optimising design processes, improving quality control, and ensuring precise replication during mass production. This not only streamlines production but also enhances the overall efficiency of the manufacturing ecosystem.

Incorporating smart textiles also aligns with the collaborative nature of Industry 5.0. By blending technology with traditional manufacturing processes, these textiles enable harmonious collaboration between human workers and machines, fostering an efficient and flexible production environment. Smart textiles epitomise the convergence of technology and fashion within Industry 5.0. They are reshaping the garment manufacturing landscape by promoting customisation, collaboration, transparency, and efficiency, thereby embodying the core principles of this latest industrial revolution.


Industry 5.0 marks a significant shift in the manufacturing landscape, merging advanced technologies with human creativity and expertise. As the latest phase in the industrial revolution, it transcends mere automation by advocating a collaborative model where machines and humans work in synergy, enhancing flexibility, responsiveness, and customisation, particularly in the garment industry.

Key aspects like human-centricity, resilience, and sustainability are at the heart of Industry 5.0, highlighting its dedication to fostering safer, more innovative, and sustainable working environments. With its focus on human-robot collaboration and mass customisation, Industry 5.0 stands out as a transformative force. It not only addresses contemporary manufacturing challenges but also equips businesses to thrive in the rapidly evolving manufacturing landscape. Technologies such as AI and ML, blockchain, cobots, digital twins, quantum computing, and smart textiles are pivotal in this revolution, offering diverse applications that enhance production processes, supply chain transparency, and product quality. These advancements lead to a more efficient, adaptable, and responsive manufacturing ecosystem.

This rapid technological progression underscores the necessity for manufacturing units to evolve and embrace these innovative technologies to remain competitive and future-ready. Industry 5.0, therefore, represents not just a new chapter in industrial development but a comprehensive framework for integrating technology and human talent to redefine manufacturing excellence.