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Alice Payne

Alice Payne

Alice Payne is a fashion and textile designer, currently undertaking doctoral research at Queensland University of Technology. Her research explores the Australian mass market fashion design process in the context of sustainability, with an emphasis on privileging designers’ voices. Alice holds honours degrees in Visual Arts (University of Sydney) and in Fashion and Textile Design (University of Technology Sydney).

Her recent design work has explored design processes and systems, resulting in the ThinkLifecycle website and content management system. In 2011 ThinkLifecycle won the ‘Unique Enterprise’ Award in the London College of Fashion ‘Fashioning the Future’ Awards. Her collection of modular garments was exhibited in Materiality in Gaffa gallery, Sydney in 2008. She was also a finalist in the 2006 Lancome Fashion Design Awards. Alice is a tutor at QUT in fashion history and theory, and a past tutor at the University of Technology, Sydney in fashion design studio.

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