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Janice Lessman-Moss

Janice Lessman-Moss

Janice Lessman-Moss is currently a Professor and Head of the program in Textile Art at Kent State University. She received her BFA from the Tyler School of Art and her MFA from the University of Michigan. Since 1981, she has actively exhibited her woven art work throughout the United States and internationally, including solo exhibitions at the Galleria Willa in Lodz, Poland, the Museum of Fine Art and Culture in Las Cruces, New Mexico, and at the Kent State University Museum.

Lessman-Moss is strongly committed to education in textile art and design and maintains an active studio in the School of Art at Kent State University. Students have an opportunity to learn a breadth of traditional techniques and explore digital design and production. As a member of the textile community, Lessman-Moss served as External Relations Director for the Textile Society of America from 2001-2010 and is a Founding Member of the Midwest Fiber Art Educators Network (MFAEN.) For more information about Lessman-Moss and her work please visit her website: www.janicelessman-moss.com, http://www.personal.kent.edu/~jlessman

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