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Interview with Mr Sandro Salmoiraghi

Mr Sandro Salmoiraghi
Mr Sandro Salmoiraghi
ACIMIT (Association of Italian Textile Machinery Manufacturers)
ACIMIT (Association of Italian Textile Machinery Manufacturers)

ACIMIT (Association of Italian Textile Machinery Manufacturers) is a private national body that gathers Italian textile machinery companies producing more than 80% of the entire Italian textile machinery production, and some associated members (consortia, technical schools, technical magazines, research centres).Its main purpose is to promote Italian textile machinery sector and support activity, mainly abroad, through the most updated and innovative promotional means, constantly improved during its over 60 years of existence. To promote and spread Italian textile machinery knowledge throughout the world, ACIMIT provides information on the activity of the producers through a wide range of promotional activities (like exhibitions, technical seminars, missions in Italy and abroad etc.), usually in collaboration with ICE (Italian Trade Commission). Besides, ACIMIT appraises its member companies about commercial, financial and technical problems and solutions sourced from diverse markets in order to facilitate their entry. Leading an association of 200 Italian textile machinery and accessory companies is indeed a position of great respect and responsibility. Mr Sandro Salmoiraghi is the President of ACIMIT, who was born in Bellano (Lecco), into a family whose roots are deeply set in the textile industry. Having completed his studies in industrial mechanics in Milan, and after a few years’ experience at various companies in the machining and metalworking sector, he embarked on his own business venture in the textile machinery industry- the Salmoiraghi SpA, company that builds automated handling systems, storage and robotization installations for the chemical fibre, machinery and foods sectors. Exports represent a major share of the company’s overall earnings, in some years even exceeding 90%. Over the years, Mr Salmoiraghi has held important positions in Confindustria (the Confederation of Italian Industry); the most noteworthy of which are his appointments as President for Small Industry and Vice President of Confindustria. He is currently Vice President of the machining and metalworking group and a member of the Board of Directors of Confindustria Monza and Brianza, as well as sitting on the Central Council for Small Industry at Confindustria. He has been a member of ACIMIT’s Board of Directors for many years. Two months back, in May 2009, Mr Salmoraighi assumed the position of President at ACIMIT. In a one to one with Face2Face team, Mr S

Mr Salmoiraghi, Face2Face extends its best wishes on your new role as President of ACIMIT. How would you express your feelings on this recently assumed role and responsibility?

Thank you. Well, this is not an easy time for the industry at a global level, and in taking over as president of ACIMIT I fully grasp the implications of this situation and the difficulties our manufacturers are presently encountering. So I see it as an additional stimulus to do an even better job.


Our pleasure sir. You are right, industry, indeed, is looking forward to you in confidence! In our earlier Face2Face with former President Mr Banfi, we had a brief about activities at ACIMIT four years ago. Taking the talk ahead, we wish to know transitions at ACIMIT in these years, say, in terms of activities/services or sectors?

I believe the work carried out by my predecessor was nothing short of excellent. In these years, ACIMIT’s Board of Directors, of which I was also a part, was fully committed to ensure maximum support for its associated members. As such, thanks to public support from the Ministry for Economic Development and the Italian Institute for Foreign Trade, promotional initiatives increased involving a growing number of our businesses and the markets in which they operate. ACIMIT has also been committed to informing its members on new market opportunities, even niche sectors, and innovative trends in sectors of the industry downstream.

Well, we admire the way ACIMIT is always vigilantly active for industry! Continuing the trend of bringing to date picture of the industry to our members/visitors, shall we now request your make of the current situation in the global textile machinery industry as it is performing today?

The current crisis covers the entire global textile machinery industry, and the overall slowdown in consumer spending has had repercussions, with a chain reaction in our sector as well. Textile manufacturers have blocked investments, as they wait for the situation to improve. The recovery is taking time to materialize, which is placing additional stress on the majority of textile machinery builders worldwide.

In continuation of above note, can you also delve out about exports your country made in sector for last two years?

In the primary markets for our exports, China, India and Turkey, sales of Italian machinery and technology have dropped considerably over 2008. For China and India, this slowdown arrived after a period of several years in which export trends had remained substantially positive. Italian export figures grew in very few markets during the course of 2008. Among these were Brazil and Russia.

So, do you foresee any growing markets for your sector in near future?

It’s difficult to make forecasts for the future, especially since the current negative economic trend is coupled with an overcapacity in production for the textile sector. My hope is that there will be a recovery in the Countries with a strong textile manufacturing industry, thus triggering investments in new machinery and equipments.

We understand the blow Italian industry has suffered from this recession. In fact, this is the story everywhere! Another fact is, am sure you would agree too, industry cannot sit idle cursing situation. Tucking up the sleeves against this milieu, how has ACIMIT tried to cushion the blows on its industry and members?

True. Italy’s textile machinery industry has been hit hard by the global economic crisis, just like many other sectors. Given that our sector is highly export oriented, this has entailed a further worsening of business conditions overall. ACIMIT has obviously put forward a variety of requests to authorities, so that adequate support is provided to textile machinery manufacturers. A foremost concern is the need to restore normal credit conditions.

In fact, the greatest problem currently is the difficulty encountered in obtaining credit. Our Association’s lobbying efforts are aimed primarily at sensitizing both the government and banks on this issue.

And therefore, trend of resources saving product line is upbeat, isn't it? How is Italian textile machinery industry building itself on this front?

Definitley! Currently, cutting costs is the main priority for any manufacturer intending to continue to prosper, anywhere in the world. Energy savings, a reduction in the use of water, raw materials and labor are all issues tackled by Italian machinery builders in their products and services. One of the main characteristics regarding Italy’s production of textile machinery is the high level of machine customization applied. Continuous contact allows our machinery builders to adapt machinery technology to the specific needs of customers during this phase.

Mr Salmoiraghi, your association has also been promoting technical textile machinery. How do you envision growth trends in nonwovens sector? Amongst its various innovative sub sectors viz geo-textiles, medical textiles, automotive, etc., which according to you, has/will put up its best?

ACIMIT has been promoting technical and innovative textiles for a number of years now, by providing its members information on markets and products, and through ad hoc promotional activities. Above all in Western Countries, although not exclusively, these market niches represent the future for the textile industry. And a growing number of our manufacturers are shifting their production to satisfy the needs of customers working in this sector. However, it would be incorrect to think that non-woven fabrics and technical textiles are a growing market segment only in Europe and the United States. The latest technology symposiums on technical textiles organized by Italian Institute For Foreign Trade and ACIMIT in India and China revealed a fair number of relevant local manufacturers. Regarding the different sectors comprising technical textiles, it’s difficult to foresee which of these will grow more rapidly over the coming years. Currently, it would appear that the personal hygiene, medical and automotive sectors are all promising emerging markets.

Shall we lastly know by what means you would like to promote Italian textile machinery abroad? And to what extent are training, education and the upgrading of technology a part of this agenda?

For the current year, as well as for 2010, ACIMIT and Italian Institute For Foreign Trade will be promoting a great number of initiatives, in spite of the crisis. As always, our activities comprise technology symposiums aimed at the most promising foreign markets, training courses for foreign operators held in Italy, and our participation at the industry’s most prominent trade fairs. We also devote a great deal of attention to students, both Italian and foreigners, through technology awards which reward university students in a variety of foreign Countries with scholarships in Italy allowing them to visit the excellence of the Italian textile machinery industry. The first students to arrive in Italy will hail from Brazil and India.

That was fabulous and informative discourse Mr Salmoiraghi! Thanks a lot for being with us.

My pleasure too!

Click here to read previous interview with ACIMIT.
Published on: 03/08/2009

DISCLAIMER: All views and opinions expressed in this column are solely of the interviewee, and they do not reflect in any way the opinion of Fibre2Fashion.com.

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