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Interview with Mr Arryanto Sagala

Mr Arryanto Sagala
Mr Arryanto Sagala
Director of Textiles
Ministry of Industry - The Republic of Indonesia
Ministry of Industry - The Republic of Indonesia

An archipelago in Southeast Asia and the country of volcanoes, Indonesia is all set on the track of economic growth. Textiles have played a major role in Indonesia's economic growth, which is one of the fastest in the free world. With challenges like quotas, lacking modernization, market-expertise and core skills, for the Indonesian government, the sector is expected to be the most pivotal and nascent one, and is therefore, a first plan industrial activity. Aged 52, Indonesian by nationality, Mr Arryanto Sagala is the Director of Textiles, Ministry of Industry and Trade - The Republic of Indonesia. Mr Sagala is a graduate in Planology from Bandung Institute of Technology. He has also done several training courses viz. Industrial Estate Development; Industrial Expansion Program from EEC-IDA Ireland; Environment Protection & Technology from ICETT-AOTS Japan; Smelting Industry Processing from Naoshima, Mitsubishi - Japan; Planning, Development & Management of Industrial Park & EPZ-Taipei ICDF & SinoTech Engineering ROC. He had attended Comparative Study for Textiles Development at Beijing as well as Technical Upgrading Fund Scheme of India in the year 2006, and had also been in the International Seminar for Textile Development in China. In 1982, he joined as the Head of Industrial Estate Development Section of Bureau of Planning, Ministry of Industry and Trade - Republic of Indonesia. From 1994 to 2005, he headed Regional Development & Environment Division of R&D Center on Resources, Industrial Zone and Environment, Ministry of Industry and Trade. In 2005, he was appointed as the Director of Textiles, Ministry of Industry and Trade - Republic of Indonesia. His responsibilities include giving advice and making regulation concepts in the welfare of Textiles Industry. Face2Face team spoke to Mr Sagala, for a closer view on Indonesian Textile Scenario; challenges that remain; and efforts of Indonesian Government towards it.

since three decades Indonesia’s share in global textiles has grown noticeably. Compliments to your ministry for this! Could you share a brief overview on Indonesian textiles and your ministry’s role in it?

"Textile Industry is one of the strategic industries in Indonesia (surpluses contributed to USD 5 Billion of non-oil export since latest 10 yrs, surplus of USD 7 Billion in 2005 and export of USD 9.2 Billion in 2006); Workers absorbed in textile industry are projected as much as 1.20 million people, not including 600,000 engaged in Small and Cottage Textile Industry. Therefore, to build intensive co-operation among stakeholders is a necessity. To support Textiles Industry, the policy will be implemented by all stakes-holder (KEPPRES 7/2004, RPJM) with the government regulation. With related institutions, we make revision of Government Regulation on the new Investment Law to business sector and prospective investors (PP 1/2007)."

What are the main components of Indonesian textile industry?

Indonesian Textile has developed in vertical integrated manner, from up stream, intermediate, and to down stream industries (from fiber to yarns, fabrics, garment and other textile articles).

How do you foresee Indonesia’s performance in textiles & garments sector in the next decade?

We foresee Indonesian Textile to be one of the main concern industries. For, it is strategic industry that can contribute to exports, provide job opportunities, and domestic consumption.

Merchandising, Marketing Expertise and other core skills areas need to be addressed by Indonesian Textiles sector to elevate its competitiveness. Does your Ministry foresee any role in these vital areas?

"The Government is active imparting Job oriented trainings in order to augment reliable, capable and professional workforces. It has also been concentrating on conduction of Research and Development, so as to increase High Quality Textiles with improved quality and design. Efforts are also carried out in order to spread knowledge on global regulation pertaining to environmental issues and social aspect. Ministry is trying to attempt the accomplishment of international scholarship in Textile HRD."
Published on: 07/05/2007

DISCLAIMER: All views and opinions expressed in this column are solely of the interviewee, and they do not reflect in any way the opinion of Fibre2Fashion.com.

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