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Interview with Yogesh Chaudhary

Yogesh Chaudhary
Yogesh Chaudhary
Jaipur Rugs
Jaipur Rugs

We make a conscious effort to study trends in the market
Studying trends is required for manufacturers to stay ahead in the market, besides following them. Yogesh Chaudhary, director of Jaipur Rugs shares the latest trends dominating the rugs and carpets industry, the challenges that the industry faces, and the latest innovations in the industry with fibre2fashion.com.

What are the new trends in handknotted rugs?

Since 2009, the carpet world has seen quite a few changes. With the weeding out of a large number of companies, those that continued to do business have been challenged every year to do better and be more innovative. The newest trends in handknotted rugs have been the shift to contemporary designs and explore brighter colours. At Jaipur Rugs, we make a conscious effort to study trends in the market to keep ahead and our collections by 'Kavi' has very much been on target with that.

What are the challenges that this industry is facing? Any top 5 steps that could help meet these?

As an industry that relies on artisans and is powered by people - both in manufacturing and purchase, one of the greatest challenges is attracting and keeping interest. Internally this is something that my father. NK Chaudhary who started Jaipur Rugs has spent a lot of time trying to understand and work on. We take the time to understand our people and work with them to make a happy place of work and this is what translates into the rugs we make as well. We feel that the happiness of our weavers is transported to the homes of our customers who purchase them. In terms of keeping the markets interested, one of the most important steps for us is to focus on our core strengths. We are constantly experimenting with textures, moods, patterns and colours. One of our greatest strengths as an Indian company competing internationally is our cultural roots. India's diversity and richness is something else to tap into when competing on a global platform. Honestly there aren't any prescribed steps that I can offer to combat the challenges of our industry. It is important for each company to find its identity and stay true to that identity offering its artisan and customer base something unique.

Any innovations that Jaipur Rugs has introduced or is set to introduce? Details please.

A Jaipur Rugs' greatest innovation has been its business model that works directly with artisans. In 1978 my father started working directly with artisans building a network within the carpet industry free of middle men while giving weavers fair wages and socio economic support. Jaipur Rugs Foundation continues this work through work adult education, entrepreneurship development, skill development and skill upgradation.

Where do you source your raw material from?

The quality we can produce at Jaipur Rugs comes from the attention we pay to the very first step of this process - procurement of raw material. We have a team dedicated to this who source raw wool from over 11 countries including New Zealand, India and Turkey. This raw wool is then distributed across villages in Bikaner to be converted into yarns before being woven into rugs. Other raw material including silk is imported from places like China.

Are the typically traditional prints like bagru woven into the handknotted rugs too? Please elaborate.

Handknotted rugs typically draw inspiration from old oriental and Mughal patterns. With our more recent collection - Project Error, the designer Kavi experimented in expressing Dabru patterns in two rugs however this is not typical in handknotted rugs.

How big is the market for rugs, poufs, pillows in the Indian market and internationally too?

The market for accessories like pillows, poufs and rugs is significant. The Indian home decor market is growing rapidly. As international travelers, Indian home owners are global citizens with a wide range of demands and choices to suit them. On the hand other hand, international markets have seen a steady development in the past few years as well with some analysts predicting a $700 billion realization in just this year.

How has the demand for rugs, poufs, pillows been in the last 2 years? How is it expected to shape up this fiscal?

In spite of economic unpredictability the demand within the home decor market has been significant. The greatest changes we predict are in trends and thus purchases.

What about the dyes and colours used in the rugs? Any traditional methods used or innovated traditional methods?

Persian handknotted rugs use techniques in rug-making perfected over thousands of years. In our attempt to keep traditions and a way of life untouched by time, Jaipur Rugs continues to use many of these techniques, including the dyeing of yarn. A major concern with organic dyes, though, is the colour-fastness that they can deliver forcing us to rely on more modern dyeing techniques. This is however something that we are investing research energies on, and hope to find a solution in the near future.

Which countries do you export to the most?

America continues to be our major market, accounting for over 70 per cent of our total exports.

What is your annual turnover? What has been the growth percentage?

The 2014-15 turnover is Rs 122 crores, and we have been growing at a rate of 36 per cent.
Published on: 16/04/2015

DISCLAIMER: All views and opinions expressed in this column are solely of the interviewee, and they do not reflect in any way the opinion of Fibre2Fashion.com.

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