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Interview with Ranjiv Ramchandani

Ranjiv Ramchandani
Ranjiv Ramchandani
Director and Founder
Tantra T-shirt
Tantra T-shirt

Competition separates boys from men
Tantra T-shirts, headquartered in Mumbai, is a fast-emerging online store for T-shirts. Ranjiv Ramchandani, director and founder of Tantra T-shirts, discusses the market in India and worldwide, latest trends in this industry and more in an exclusive interview with Fibre2Fashion.com

How would you peg the T-shirt market globally? How is it expected to grow in the next two years?

The T-shirt, as a garment, is ideal youthwear. It is inexpensive and therefore pocket-friendly, comfortable to wear and, most importantly, communicates the essence and personality of the wearer. In the US alone, the market for T-shirts (knits) is pegged at over US$ 50 billion. In India, there is a rapid 'T-shirtisation' of the country's youth. People are shifting from wovens (shirts, etc) to a more cotton-friendly, albeit less durable, product. That's good, because the more they buy, the more we sell.

What are the new trends in the T-shirt industry?

Printing technology is fast catching up, with DTG printing being the new kid on the block. However, to be viable, it needs to be cost-effective in the long run.

Which are the top five brands in the T-shirt segment?

As compared to ten years ago, there are many players and brands in the market today. However, consistency and longevity are critical issues. Very few big retail brands have looked at the power and potency of the humble T-shirt to be holding a pivotal and flanking role in their marketing plans. Worldwide, it's iconic names like Levi's, Adidas, Lacoste, Nike and Reebok, and knit-friendly brands like Hanes also, who make the list.

What are the issues that plague this segment?

The most interesting knit T-shirt brands in India are the 'Indie' brands created by start-ups. Since these companies do not have an in-built marketing set-up, the entire networking needs to be initiated from scratch, very often with shaky or inconsistent partners. It's a trial-and-error process, and needs deep, long-term pockets.

Who are your major clients? Which are your biggest markets?

Tantra markets all over India. Some regions are stronger than others. Our marketing is divided into the following components: Distributors / MBOs / EBOs / LFS and online.

How do you expect the market scenario to evolve for Tantra T-shirts?

Tantra has a proven track record of creativity and consistency with solid recall and brand value. In that sense, being an idea-based company, it is possible for us to leverage new ideas continuously, given that effective marketing is in place.

What is your strategy to deal with competition, especially against more established names?

Competition is good, and it separates boys from men. Only brands which have a unique brand promise and consistency will survive and thrive. We are in the business of ideas. As long as we stick to our core strengths, we will be fine.
Published on: 31/07/2015

DISCLAIMER: All views and opinions expressed in this column are solely of the interviewee, and they do not reflect in any way the opinion of Fibre2Fashion.com.