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Interview with Mr Hans Zöbisch

Mr Hans Zöbisch
Mr Hans Zöbisch

..textile processing industry has changed over the last decade dramatically triggered by the general transformation of consumer awareness. Industry is going green..
The name ‘Zöbisch’ has been standing for successful activities in textile production for many generations. Year 1978 saw foundation of Textilcolor AG in Switzerland by Mr Hans Zobisch. The company has roots to textile tradition in curtain and lace finishing in Plauen-Germany, founded by great grandfather Mr Heinrich Robert Zobisch in 1855. The company over this period has grown to group- TextilColor Holding AG. There are four subsidiaries under its flagship namely TEXTILCOLOR AG; SEVOTEX CHEMIE AG; TEXTILCOLOR GmbH; TEXTILCOLOR CONSULTING AG. TEXTILCOLOR AG, headquartered in Switzerland, produces approximately 7.500 tons textile auxiliaries per year. The product portfolio of TEXTILCOLOR AG consists of more than 500 textile auxiliaries supplemented with textile dyes and optical brighteners for all substrates and applications. Mr Hans Zöbisch, a descendent of Zobisch family, is the CEO of Textilcolor. Interviewed by Ms Madhu Soni, Sr Editor & Correspondent- Face2Face, Mr Zobisch shares about present state of textile dyes and chemicals industry all over the globe and key markets therein.

Your fore generations since 1855 have been into textile arena. As a descendent of a renowned family of textile manufacturers, how do you see your group’s niche in sector?

TEXTILE COLOR, unlike the factories of my ancestors, is not a producer of textiles, but supplies them with textile auxiliaries, dyes and optical brighteners. Thus, the properties of the resulting textiles are influenced decisively, vice versa, the requirements of the textile industry also influence the development of our products. These requirements are subject to a constant change and the associated demands have risen strongly in the past and will continue to rise. We consider it our task, not only to observe the current trends and respond to it early, but also to help to shape them with innovative products within our possibilities. Thus we want to enable our customers to differentiate themselves in the market and to position themselves firmly. At the same time we want to differentiate ourselves from our competitors with typically Swiss highest quality and best possible environmental compatibility.


What is your say on present faring of textile chemicals all over the globe?

The Swiss textile industry nowadays is only very small. Therefore, we export far more than 95 % of our products and try to follow the production sites of the textile industry. At the same time the pressure on our products in those respective countries increases by competing local producers, as they usually can produce cheaper and do not have to face long transport routes. This is a challenge for us to particularly place emphasis on innovation, quality, environmental compatibility and service.

Besides the challenge you mentioned above, in general story of market is; sky rocketing raw material prices and dearth of feedstock. What solution you enroute to make the situation favor bottomline?

A company has to make profits in order to exist and to be able to invest. Rising raw material prices burn profits and consequently will have an impact on the prices of our products because we have to pay wages, maintenance costs, energy, water and further fixed costs. In extreme situations like the current price explosion austerity measures in all areas have to act and alternative raw materials or alternative suppliers with favorable price and satisfactory quality have to be found. Our commitment to quality must not suffer from this situation as our competitiveness is decisively depending on this. We must try to expand our sales to get into the position to negotiate prices due to larger purchasing quantities. At the same time we have to minimize the amount of work where possible and optimize processes for the production. Mankind needs textiles and therefore the textile industry needs textile auxiliaries - we just have to ensure that our products will be preferred.

With presence in 42 countries, your Group has witnessed a large customer base. Please apprise us with key markets therein, as well as customers’ behavior.

Still our main market is in Europe, but in recent years, a shift to the east is clearly visible. The textile processing industry has changed over the last decade dramatically triggered by the general transformation of consumer awareness. The textile industry is going green and nowadays environmental topics like Green chemistry, sustainability, saving of resources (time, water, energy) and cradle-to-cradle are hot topics. Besides following this ecological trend our customers demand top quality and productivity.

So how is the Quality in line with the environment being epitomized in business walk of Textilcolor?

In order to produce high quality products, it does require a well-functioning quality control besides first and foremost a development which is developing a high quality product. Such an imaginative team already includes in the various stages of development the use of environmentally compatible raw materials and a solid assessment of the environmental impact of emerging compounds. Absolute priority is always the quality of the resulting product for the benefit for our customers. For the development of processes, both for our own production or for the use of our products, exactly the same is valid, so our customers will also benefit by saving energy and water where possible.

Do you foresee any new technologies other than Nanotechnology, making in roads in your sector?

We work closely together with research institutions and textile institutes in different countries and we support new projects there, so that we have our ears always at the pulse of the times. Also seemingly attractive ideas of our development team in-house itself or in cooperation with external institutions will be pursued. Of course, it is essential to observe trends in this case also and to find best possible timing for new features. Furthermore, not each innovation is solely positive, especially if the consequences are not sufficiently explored, as the nanotechnology exemplifies. The applications must be selected well in order to utilize the benefits and avoid disadvantages.

It seems Textilcolor gives a lot of significance to R&D. Am I right? Is there launch of any new products in pipeline?

The demands of the consumers of textiles for each application range are constantly changing. That means for our customers, that they are involved in a constant change and they must adapt to market needs. It does not matter whether our customer is a supplier of houses of fashionable clothing, convertor of technical textiles or provider of decoration material, the demand for high quality textile with pleasant comfort, special robustness, fire protection up to self-extinguishing, special appearence or fully degradability – which demands ever the material has to satisfy – these claims are rising. To meet the needs of tomorrow, we need a good development and an access to sound research results. The one who does not always keep an eye on the future will fall behind in today's competition and will be among the losers very quickly. Therefore, it is obviously important to develop new products and to ensure that the “pipeline never blocks”.


Published on: 31/01/2011

DISCLAIMER: All views and opinions expressed in this column are solely of the interviewee, and they do not reflect in any way the opinion of Fibre2Fashion.com.

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