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IMPRESSIONS from a Cross-section

Mr. S. Surya Narayanan
Mr. S. Surya Narayanan
Celebrity Fashions Limited

Company Details

Business Area:
Woven Tops (Shirts&Jackets) Bottoms (Trousers & Shorts) of Men, Women & Kids
Rs. 190Crs.
Export Capabilities:
Total 4.50 Mn pieces p.a. (Top 2.50 Mn pcs + Bottoms at 2.0 Mn pcs)
US, UK and Europe


As a garment manufacturer and exporter across poles, what is your outlook for 2012 for your sector's performance?

We, at Celebrity Fashions have travelled a long journey of over 23 years in this Ready-made garment Industry as a manufacturer cum exporter.

We look forward for the New Year 2012 and welcome the same with all the more enthusiasm and heightened spirits under the given scenario of:

a) Reduced number of market players with the march-out of smaller ones due to stiff competition

b) Softened cotton prices, the core of garments

c) Current depreciating trend of Rupee against the major global currencies.   

The markets in 2012 are expected to follow a cautious trend in their growth plans with the prevailing uncertainties in Western Markets.

An entity’s performance and sustainability will depend much on their risk mitigating strategies and their operating efficiencies along with customer acquisition and retention capabilities.

We as part of our strategy have already ventured into diversified global markets vis-a-vis domestic operations.

Added to it is that our internal operations have undergone a complete transformation for better process and advantages through LEAN techniques implementation.

Above all, Celebrity Fashions with their proven track record of performance in delivering their commitments to Customers and state-of-art infrastructure has positioned itself as a top notch manufacturer and exporter.

Challenges, which though not unexpected but would still remain a bigger concern and will have to be tested, would include volatilities in currencies, rising inflationary trends and increasing interest rates.

Companies will have to start gearing-up to face them and invent ways and means to overcome successfully and we at Celebrity are confident of the same.



Published on: 22/11/2011

DISCLAIMER: All views and opinions expressed in this column are solely of the interviewee, and they do not reflect in any way the opinion of Fibre2Fashion.com.