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IMPRESSIONS from a Cross-section


What makes Instagram so popular? Is every brand on Instagram an overnight success?

Instagram & fashion will go a long way together

From established brands to aspiring labels and wannabe entrepreneurs, or even the Work from home (WFH) hobby meisters, the power of Instagram as a marketing platform is on a high, more so in a pandemic-hit world. Fibre2Fashion spoke to some brand owners about their views on the subject.

Instagram is the most used social media. It has become a hub for businesses, big or small. What is very interesting is that Instagram often turns out to be a platform for wholesale or global launch as it allows budding and established entrepreneurs to reach out one on one to customers whom they would usually have no access to.

This social media platform helps brands to communicate directly with their clients, promotes various events and initiatives and also creates brand awareness. It is an effective way to boost sales and build a loyal city of followers without spending a lot.

I think Instagram is like a big catalogue book. If something is Insta-worthy it will sell. All bloggers and stylists are there on Instagram which makes the marketing of products easy. Consumers are constantly looking for new trends on Instagram and that’s what tempts them to buy new things.

Instagram and fashion will be going a long way together. Trends in fashion are so dynamic and Instagram as a medium just captures all the dynamics of fashion with so much fluidity. In future, fashion companies have to take Instagram along as their first tool of marketing.

We at Sasya and Simaaya love Instagram and are going to spend more on Instagram marketing than other means. 

We had always relied on word of mouth publicity but as the pandemic eases out the focus is more on online, especially Instagram. We get a lot of queries on Instagram and not on Facebook – so Insta for sure is the way to go.

Instagram is the fastest growing platform as the medium of photos and videos drive more attention than anything else. A platform that gives you content and entertainment in less than a minute is what Gen Next is all about. People do not have the time or patience to deal with lengthy content with words, and Insta proves to be the most used platform for short content.

Published on: 02/09/2021

DISCLAIMER: All views and opinions expressed in this column are solely of the interviewee, and they do not reflect in any way the opinion of Fibre2Fashion.com.