Taiwan Textile Federation takes pleasure to announce that the 23rd IAF World Apparel Convention will take place in Taipei, Taiwan in October 2007. In the aftermath of quota elimination, the apparel industry worldwide is encountering unprecedented challenges.
However there are excellent opportunities not only for apparel firms actively operating in Asia, including China, India and ASEAN countries, but also forms in other continents.
Apparel industries in these countries enjoy more robust growth than ever before. The prosperity of these areas is becoming one of the major driving forces of the world economy.
Thus the 23rd IAF World Apparel Convention will be focused on the the theme "Asia - from a global production base to an emerging consumer market ". Reknowned specialists from the apparel supply chain will be invited to share their expertise regarding production, management performance, the impact of high-tech innovation, and trends in trade and production.
In addition, we are also planning a study tour to apparel factories in two of the region's fastset growing countries, Cambodia and Vietnam, to share the experience in international apparel manufacturing and to offer superb networking and business opportunities to conention delagates.
IAF2007 will be held concurrently with Taipei Innovative Textile Application Show (TITAS).
TITAS is particularly notes for its focus on high added value, fashionable and functional fibres, yarns and fabrics. You'll be able to catch two important events at the same time and place. Don't miss out on the action!
International Apparel Federation