Time and again, talk of green IT is dismissed as hype. Thisview is due to the fact that the term may easily be misinterpreted. However,regardless of these squabbles, the topics green IT actually addresses are so relevantfor society that action has to be taken not only by those in charge of IT, buteven more so by company strategists and government decision makers. Even thoughinformation technology is not green and never ever will be, green IT isanything but a short-term hype!

Major IT fairs such as Symposium/ITxpo in Cannes, SYSTEMS in Munich and CeBIT in Hannover have already repeatedly declared Green IT theirtop issue in the last few years. This year, the "Green IT Village" ofCeBIT 2008 is to expand into "Green IT World". With this new name,the further increase in exhibition space and additional green IT keynotethemes, the CeBIT board wants to underscore the importance of the issue. Thedrive for green IT will thus be receiving even greater emphasis.

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About the Author:

The author is working as Senior Economist at Deutsche BankResearch since 2000. His main responsibilities are the economic analysis ofstructural changes caused by innovative information and communicationstechnologies. Before moving to Deutsche Bank, Dr. Heng worked in a ResearchGroup of Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Foundation). He wasawarded a doctorate by the University of Mannheim in 2000 for his thesis aboutthe economic impacts of road traffic in Germany. Dr. Heng is the author ofseveral studies and essays. Amongst others he is affiliated as referee to theInternational Telecommunications Society (ITS), and as Young Leader to the Atlantic Bridge association.