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Bluesign signs Anubha as system partner in India

06 Dec '17
2 min read
Courtesy: Bluesign Technologies/Jill Dumain (left), CEO of bluesign technologies with Aditya Goyal, MD of Anubha Industries
Courtesy: Bluesign Technologies/Jill Dumain (left), CEO of bluesign technologies with Aditya Goyal, MD of Anubha Industries

Anubha Industries Ltd, an Indian specialist for denim and advanced fabric solutions that manages the complete industrial chain, from fabric to finished product, has announced its partnership with bluesign technologies at Kingpins New York. The denim company plans to implement a robust chemical management and strengthen its sustainability performance.

The denim firm aims at using only clean chemistry in the entire process of denim manufacturing by responsible sourcing using bluesign approved products. The development of an input stream management in the production process will help to achieve standards for an environmentally friendly and safe production. It will enable them to provide their customers with sustainable products.

The bluesign system provides Anubha the bluefinder, through which it can access a database of chemicals that are approved by bluesign to ensure sustainable, high quality, and safe materials.

Joining the bluesign system also allows Anubha to focus on all issues related to environment, health, and safety and to work towards the sustainability targets in a very efficient way.

Aditya Goyal, managing director of Anubha Industries said, “We are proud to become a bluesign system partner. With laser focused approach on increasing transparency and environmental management performance, we are determined to further improve the sustainability of our entire supply chain. We consistently commit to the goal of becoming the most sustainable denim company in India.”

Jill Dumain, chief executive officer at bluesign technologies said, “We are glad to be partnering with Anubha as our first denim textile manufacturer system partner in India. Anubha has shown its commitment towards sustainable denim production and we are proud they have chosen bluesign technologies as their partner for chemical management to drive sustainability performance. Together with Anubha, we strengthen our aim to create a responsible denim supply chain for a more sustainable fashion industry.” (GK)

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