The projected rise of 40 percent in cotton production to 250 lakh quintals this season has come as a consolation for the farmers of Vidarbha, Marathwada and Khandesh where farmers suicides has been a trend of late.
In fact, President of Maharashtra cotton growers co-operative marketing federation, NP Hirani expected the output to cross projected figures if the large scale plantation of genetically modified (GM) varieties (Bt cotton) works well for the farmers.
He was cautious though as he said that two-three more spells of rainfall was needed to benefit at the optimum level.
If conditions are ideal, an acre under Bt cotton produces 25 to 30 percent more than the local no-hybrid variety.
Even though, Vidarbha region which grows 85 percent of the total cotton produced in Maharashtra is the lowest at irrigation potential with just seven percent, should witness productivity grow by at least 25-30 percent.